In all the ruckus of last week, I forgot to tell you I finished the dupioni jacket to go with my skirt. The pictures, taken the day before I got sick, didn't much turn out, but I got a few decent ones. I thought the lying down one was cool when I took it, but now I look at it, it's pretty obvious I have a fever.

Anyway, the wings are going pretty well. I experimented with simple, bakeable clay yesterday, the kind that comes in little blocks wrapped in plastic. The "bones" actually look pretty awesome. I haven't checked on the ones I did with air-drying "improved" papier mache clay, which is supposedly sandable. Anyway, the next step will be putting on some tulle or something and stiffening it, then attaching feathers. I need to figure out just what shape the tulle will have to be, which basically means drawing out the feather pattern first before I can proceed. Essays are coming in tomorrow, so the project has to get to a good stopping place.
Well, my office is unexpectedly freezing so I will be leaving as soon as possible. Thanks to all of you well-wishers this week, and for understanding when I've kept myself hidden away. I'm seeing my niece in less than two weeks, and I want to be fit!
Your silk outfit looks like it should be going to dinner at the White House or Buckingham Palace!
*Wow*...just *wow*. That is an absolutely plushious dress.
Dave says you need to throw a party for that dress. "She's got a big place, right? Two apartments?"
Thanks! I love it. It's not perfect, but it's shiny and it's pink. I'm going to work on finding a less formal top for the skirt, too, so I can wear it more.
Everyone keeps asking me to throw a party, and I have to admit, while the idea was initially appealing, the workroom has become such a hidey-hole for me it's hard to imagine people in it. Does that make me a bad person?
Well, count me in as one of those people that wants you to throw a party, but I can understand if you don't want people invading your space.
I love the dress also. I'm way impressed. Just think, you have the perfect option in case some wealthy gentleman wants to steal you away for some red tie event. (I'm completely serious- how handy is that? I'd be stuck with old bridesmaid dresses.)
I also really like the jewelry with the dress...
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